ABCST has most reasonably and with farsightedness, set its benevolent Objectives that are reflective of its Vision & Mission statement, and in order to achieve its Objectives, ABCST operates on the constructive instruments of necessary institutional and academic values by the universal standards.
The Values of ABCST, thereby, include, inter alia, Integrity, Accountability, Transparency, Empathy, Excellence, Flexibility, Adaptability, Nobility, Positivity, Optimism, etc. -based on Teaching, Academic Research, Internal as well as External reviews from time to time, Desirable utilization of institutional funds, Well-defined rules and procedures, Special initiatives for weaker students, and other desirabilities.
Other High-end Objectives:
- Continuous enhancement of our engagement with society and industry.
- Broadening educational areas.
- Improving internal support system.
- Enhancing student experience.
- Broadening funding base.
- Attracting national students and faculty.
- Advancing knowledge frontiers.
- Enhancing diversity for assimilation and inter-cultural flexibility.
- Enhancing alumni engagement.
- Facilitating higher studies and research.
- Imparting education of highest standards through value-based holistic teaching with innovative practices.
- Creating a platform for students for exploring their creativity and nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship and critical thinking.
- Inculcating in the students the values of hard work, and the significance of human rights, gender equality and ecology.
- Equipping students with the skills of survival and growth through industrial and economic shortcomings...